Oleh : Marsigit
The psychological aspect that found
Reviewed by
Siti Nurrochmah Dani
Teaching mathematics is not easy because student is also difficult to study mathematics. Teacher always needs some methods to teach appropriate developing era in education. Actually, to change a method to other method is not easy too. Mathematics education revitalization effort setting teacher as key position to create mathematics education as agree with the meaning of education and the object study.
Development of education is marked by changing old paradigm to new paradigm. Old paradigm shows that teacher predominantly on student activity and student initiation. Teacher is very active. So lesson will be abstract and more theoretical. Students as empty vessel, so they are passive and they only listen material. It makes students feel boring. So they think mathematics is very formal and difficult to accept. The traditional is also a way in disciplining students in school. But it make students get traumatizes in school and to be afraid with teacher. Traditional method is easy method where education transforms from teacher to students. It is classical learning; the students do not know what purpose they learn on that day.
New paradigm also called constructivist teaching shows that teacher as facilitator. So education can not transform from teacher to students, but education is empowering of students. Teacher is aware that every student has the unique ability. So they are different. And teacher should teach each student with difference way. The student-centered learning approach allows students to work together in small groups and answer a posed question. In this paradigm, students are seeds, where they can grow and bear fruits. So students will be active.
Known that to change attitude or change method of teacher to teach math is not easy. Alexander in Bourne(1994:69) there are six factor that influence the manner of teaching: value, theory, pragmatism, empiric, context, system(politic). But in real life social cultural and system value also influence the manner of teaching. And we see that there is distance between educate theory and educate practice. Needed government to carry back the meaning of education where study is needed by student. In good practices, student will grow and aware that study is needed by her/him self, so there is no pressure in her/him self to learning mathematics.
Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011
The Effort to Increase the Student’s Motivation in Mathematics Learning with Some Teaching Aids in Junior High School 5 Wates, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Marsigit *) & Ida Supadmi %)
Unsur-unsur Psikologi yang Terkandung
Di Review oleh
Siti Nurrochmah Dani
Sikap atau prilaku siswa dipengaruhi oleh dua faktor yaitu internal dan eksternal. Salah satu faktor eksternal yaitu pemberian motivasi dari guru kepada siswa. Karena kita ketahui bahwa guru sebagai informator, komunikator, dan fasilitator. Motivasi yang tinggi dalam pembelajaran matematika akan berpengaruh pada pencapaian prestasi siswa dan kemudahan dalam penerimaan dan pemahaman materi.
Salah satu usaha meningkatkan motivasi pada pembelajaran matematika di sekolah menengah pertama (SMP) adalah dengan membuat pembelajaran matematika menjadi menyenangkan dan selalu dapat dihubungkan dengan kehidupan dan kebutuhan sehari-hari. Dengan membuat pembelajaran matematika menjadi menyenangkan maka siswa akan lebih mudah menerima materi pembelajaran dan sekaligus mencegah rasa takut menghadapi matematika. Pelajaran matematika yang dihubungkan dengan kehidupan dalam konteks ini pemberian contoh di kehidupan sehari-hari akan mudah dilogika dan diterima oleh pemikiran siswa.
Siswa SMP pada umumnya berusia 12-15 tahun. Berdasarkan perkembangan kognitive Peaget usia tersebut termasuk pada fase formal operation yaitu tahap membandingkan, berdiskusi, dan membuat kesimpulan. Pada usia ini juga terdapat perubahan fungsi intelektual dari pemikiran konkret ke pemikiran abstrak. Oleh karena kebutuhan siswa, guru seharusnya mengembangkan metode dimana metode itu akan meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam membandingkan, berdiskusi dan membuat kesimpulan. Hal tersebut juga akan mendorong perkembangan mental siswa untuk berinisiatif dan berani menemukakan pendapat.
Berdasarkan penelitian untuk meningkatkan motivasi pembelajaran matematika di SMP 5 Wates, Kulon Progo, guru menggunakan beberapa model pembelajaran matematika untuk meningkatkan motivasi siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa aktif mengerjakan lembar kerja meningkat dan pada sesi tanya jawab dan diskusi banyak siswa yang mengacungkan tangan. Sikap siswa tersebut menunjukkan apresiasi yang besar terhadap pembelajaran matematika. Dan secara psikologi siswa mampu dan siap dengan senang hati menerima materi.
Metode belajar dengan variasi model pembelajaran dengan menggunakan alat peraga juga dapat mencegah kebosanan siswa. Tatapi harus diingat alat peraga yang dimaksud adalah alat bantu belajar yang dapat mempelajari konsep, ide, definisi dan prosedur matematika tertentu.
Marsigit *) & Ida Supadmi %)
Unsur-unsur Psikologi yang Terkandung
Di Review oleh
Siti Nurrochmah Dani
Sikap atau prilaku siswa dipengaruhi oleh dua faktor yaitu internal dan eksternal. Salah satu faktor eksternal yaitu pemberian motivasi dari guru kepada siswa. Karena kita ketahui bahwa guru sebagai informator, komunikator, dan fasilitator. Motivasi yang tinggi dalam pembelajaran matematika akan berpengaruh pada pencapaian prestasi siswa dan kemudahan dalam penerimaan dan pemahaman materi.
Salah satu usaha meningkatkan motivasi pada pembelajaran matematika di sekolah menengah pertama (SMP) adalah dengan membuat pembelajaran matematika menjadi menyenangkan dan selalu dapat dihubungkan dengan kehidupan dan kebutuhan sehari-hari. Dengan membuat pembelajaran matematika menjadi menyenangkan maka siswa akan lebih mudah menerima materi pembelajaran dan sekaligus mencegah rasa takut menghadapi matematika. Pelajaran matematika yang dihubungkan dengan kehidupan dalam konteks ini pemberian contoh di kehidupan sehari-hari akan mudah dilogika dan diterima oleh pemikiran siswa.
Siswa SMP pada umumnya berusia 12-15 tahun. Berdasarkan perkembangan kognitive Peaget usia tersebut termasuk pada fase formal operation yaitu tahap membandingkan, berdiskusi, dan membuat kesimpulan. Pada usia ini juga terdapat perubahan fungsi intelektual dari pemikiran konkret ke pemikiran abstrak. Oleh karena kebutuhan siswa, guru seharusnya mengembangkan metode dimana metode itu akan meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam membandingkan, berdiskusi dan membuat kesimpulan. Hal tersebut juga akan mendorong perkembangan mental siswa untuk berinisiatif dan berani menemukakan pendapat.
Berdasarkan penelitian untuk meningkatkan motivasi pembelajaran matematika di SMP 5 Wates, Kulon Progo, guru menggunakan beberapa model pembelajaran matematika untuk meningkatkan motivasi siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa aktif mengerjakan lembar kerja meningkat dan pada sesi tanya jawab dan diskusi banyak siswa yang mengacungkan tangan. Sikap siswa tersebut menunjukkan apresiasi yang besar terhadap pembelajaran matematika. Dan secara psikologi siswa mampu dan siap dengan senang hati menerima materi.
Metode belajar dengan variasi model pembelajaran dengan menggunakan alat peraga juga dapat mencegah kebosanan siswa. Tatapi harus diingat alat peraga yang dimaksud adalah alat bantu belajar yang dapat mempelajari konsep, ide, definisi dan prosedur matematika tertentu.
Sabtu, 24 September 2011
“ PERSOALAN PEMBELAJARAN MATEMATIKA DI SEKOLAH” Oleh : M a r s i g i t *) The psychological aspect that found Reviewed by Siti Nurrochmah Dani (10313244004)
From the research, there are many teachers that use traditional method to teach students. It is using explanatory method, but us now that it has more weakness. Because the teacher can’t satisfy the necessary of students to learn mathematics, improve the achievement of student, and improve doing group. It also make the psychology of student can’t develop healthy. Because it makes students to be passive, get traumatizes in school and to be afraid with teacher.
To solve these problems, we can use many methods to explain mathematics in the class. That are (1) Exposition Method, (2) Discussion Method, (3) trial and given assignment method, (4) innovation method, (5) Problem Solving method, (6) using teaching tools. They give advantages to student whereas students is not feel boring and lesson will be not abstract when learn mathematics. So the lesson can be absorbed effectively. It also makes the mental of students to be not stress and accept the lesson happily.
The developing mathematics learning has good impact, but in implementation, the teacher has some troubles or problems. It must be aware by teacher and effort to solve the problems of learning mathematics with improving the competence of a teacher, so the output of student to be a good person with stronger character.
To solve these problems, we can use many methods to explain mathematics in the class. That are (1) Exposition Method, (2) Discussion Method, (3) trial and given assignment method, (4) innovation method, (5) Problem Solving method, (6) using teaching tools. They give advantages to student whereas students is not feel boring and lesson will be not abstract when learn mathematics. So the lesson can be absorbed effectively. It also makes the mental of students to be not stress and accept the lesson happily.
The developing mathematics learning has good impact, but in implementation, the teacher has some troubles or problems. It must be aware by teacher and effort to solve the problems of learning mathematics with improving the competence of a teacher, so the output of student to be a good person with stronger character.
DEVELOPING MATHEMATICS EDUCATION IN INDONESIA By Marsigit, Unsur-unsur Psikologi yang Terkandung Di Review oleh Siti Nurrochmah Dani (10313244004)
Salah satu tujuan bangsa indonesia adalah mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa. Untuk itu pemerintah mengembangkan pendidikan dengan mencanangkan program wajib belajar 6-9 tahun, dimana pada masa itu siswa belajar ilmu-ilmu dasar. Pada masa itu pula siswa mengalami proses perkembangan mental dan jiwa. Sekolah merupakan tempat untuk mengembangkan potensi, bakat, dan kemampuan bersosialisasi dengan sesama dan lingkungan.
Pendidikan di Indonesia sendiri sebenarnya mulai sitematik pada tahun 1968/1969. Dan pada tahun sebelum 1990 guru cenderung menerangkan di depan kelas, sedangkan murid hanya mendengarkan. Saat pembelajaran di kelas khususnya matematika, media utama visualisasi pembelajaran adalah papan tulis dimana guru menjelaskan dengan menuliskannya di papan tulis. Hal ini cenderung membuat siswa pasif dan hanya menerima apa yang dijelaskan oleh guru. Dampak buruknya pada perkembangan psikologi siswa adalah siswa tumbuh menjadi seorang yang mudah percaya dan sulit untuk mengembangkan potensi akan dirinya. Karena mereka tidak dapat mengenali kemampuan dan jati diri mereka sendiri.
Dalam pemberian tugas, siswa hanya mengerjakan apa yang diperintahkan oleh guru, sehingga siswa kurang mempunyai inisiatif mengembangkan apa yang telah dimilikinya. Dan apa yang didapat di sekolah cenderung mudah hilang karena mereka hanya menerima, tanpa mencari sendiri atau mengolah yang telah di berikan guru kepada siswa. Dalam konteks ini guru sebagai pusat kegiatan dan siswa hanya sebagai pendengar.
Tantangan utama bagi pendidik berikutnya yaitu meningkatkan pembelajaran matematika siswa yang lebih tinggi agar siswa dapat membangun pengetahuannya sesuai pemahaman siswa. Di sisi lain hal tersebut juga dapat mendorong perkembangan psikologi, yaitu menjadi siswa yang lebih berkarakter dan berkompeten.
Sesuai hasil nilai ebtanas pada sekolah dasar dan sekolah menengah pertama menmbuktikan bahwa matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan alam menjadi pelajaran dengan hasil nilai yang rendah. Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, mulai dari kompetensi guru sampai fasilitas sekolah yang kurang lengkap. Faktor dari dalam diri siswa juga tak kalah penting yaitu rasa takut akan mata pelajaran matematika. Sehingga perlu adanya usaha peningkatan pembelajaran. Untuk itu guru harus memberikan bimbingan sehingga siswa tidak merasa takut pada matematika. Sehingga jiwa atau psikis siswa tidak merasa tertekan dalam proses belajar mengajar.
Yang paling penting dan utama adalah dengan mengubah paradigma tradisional dengan paradigma baru yaitu paradigma konstruktivist (siswa aktif dalam pembelajaran dan guru hanya sebagai fasilitator). Dimana manfaatnya tidak hanya dalam perkembangan kemampuan saja yang dimiliki tetapi juga pembentukan karakter dan mental yang kuat dimiliki oleh siswa, jika paradigma baru itu dilaksanakan dengan tepat.
Pendidikan di Indonesia sendiri sebenarnya mulai sitematik pada tahun 1968/1969. Dan pada tahun sebelum 1990 guru cenderung menerangkan di depan kelas, sedangkan murid hanya mendengarkan. Saat pembelajaran di kelas khususnya matematika, media utama visualisasi pembelajaran adalah papan tulis dimana guru menjelaskan dengan menuliskannya di papan tulis. Hal ini cenderung membuat siswa pasif dan hanya menerima apa yang dijelaskan oleh guru. Dampak buruknya pada perkembangan psikologi siswa adalah siswa tumbuh menjadi seorang yang mudah percaya dan sulit untuk mengembangkan potensi akan dirinya. Karena mereka tidak dapat mengenali kemampuan dan jati diri mereka sendiri.
Dalam pemberian tugas, siswa hanya mengerjakan apa yang diperintahkan oleh guru, sehingga siswa kurang mempunyai inisiatif mengembangkan apa yang telah dimilikinya. Dan apa yang didapat di sekolah cenderung mudah hilang karena mereka hanya menerima, tanpa mencari sendiri atau mengolah yang telah di berikan guru kepada siswa. Dalam konteks ini guru sebagai pusat kegiatan dan siswa hanya sebagai pendengar.
Tantangan utama bagi pendidik berikutnya yaitu meningkatkan pembelajaran matematika siswa yang lebih tinggi agar siswa dapat membangun pengetahuannya sesuai pemahaman siswa. Di sisi lain hal tersebut juga dapat mendorong perkembangan psikologi, yaitu menjadi siswa yang lebih berkarakter dan berkompeten.
Sesuai hasil nilai ebtanas pada sekolah dasar dan sekolah menengah pertama menmbuktikan bahwa matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan alam menjadi pelajaran dengan hasil nilai yang rendah. Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, mulai dari kompetensi guru sampai fasilitas sekolah yang kurang lengkap. Faktor dari dalam diri siswa juga tak kalah penting yaitu rasa takut akan mata pelajaran matematika. Sehingga perlu adanya usaha peningkatan pembelajaran. Untuk itu guru harus memberikan bimbingan sehingga siswa tidak merasa takut pada matematika. Sehingga jiwa atau psikis siswa tidak merasa tertekan dalam proses belajar mengajar.
Yang paling penting dan utama adalah dengan mengubah paradigma tradisional dengan paradigma baru yaitu paradigma konstruktivist (siswa aktif dalam pembelajaran dan guru hanya sebagai fasilitator). Dimana manfaatnya tidak hanya dalam perkembangan kemampuan saja yang dimiliki tetapi juga pembentukan karakter dan mental yang kuat dimiliki oleh siswa, jika paradigma baru itu dilaksanakan dengan tepat.
Jumat, 10 Juni 2011
Teaching Learning Mathematics Through English
Generally people in Indonesia have less English ability than other people in the world. It shows from limited ability in communication by English. However we know that English is needed to optimize science in Indonesia, especially mathematics. We can see that Mathematics is wrote and published by English. To get science easily and fast, we need expertness in English. With this expertness the new science especially mathematics from others developed countries is followed easily. So to develop mathematics notably in teaching learning we must communicate mathematics through English.
The meaning of math learning through English is learning process that every material, teaching process, and assessment are given in English. This learning mathematics through English still use national curriculum applied. It is include contextual teaching and learning. So, syllabus and assessment system are developed to one’s curriculum. Nevertheless, school can add, extend, and deepen curriculum agree with mathematics international development with pay attention values and Indonesian culture.
Project aim of teaching learning math through English are:
1.Producing alumnus who have high competence in mathematics;
2.Producing alumnus who have expertness in English;
3.Developing mathematics through English appropriate with international development;
4.Developing competitiveness in international about mathematics science;
5.Developing student communication ability in English, it is mean student have good expertness in English;
6.Connecting Indonesia in international mathematics development.
Stages of teaching learning mathematics development
Teaching learning mathematics through English starts in some school in Indonesia with mark national standard school. Then the schools to be international rate school must pass many stages. Some school practice teaching math with English in some class then all class step by step. Just some schools have potentials modal in input, process, education output that brave to try this project. From this case means with teacher ability in English, support facilities in teaching learning process, high readiness of student and parents, high budget, and supporting school committee.
The schools that try to practice it have effective and efficient in teaching learning process. In the output, these schools have exceeded on average of academic performance and nonacademic performance. Beside that, the schools show high commitment to go forward. They are indicated by enthusiasm, spirit, obligation, dedication, moral baking and intellectual which had been shown by headmaster, teacher, and school officer.
Implementation mathematics learning through English
In the implementation, intensity of using English to communicate from one school with other depends on the readiness of students and teachers. In first semester, usually language to communicate math is dominated by Indonesian language. Because the student still confuse with material that is given by English. But in second semester, the frequency to use Indonesian language is less. In addition, English to be language to communicate mathematics in class.
From research, the class with English as language to communicate mathematics has more ultimate than regular class, with Indonesian language as communication language. The students can understand the material with English and they also understand the concept of material. The students also have expertness in English than regular student. However to create teaching learning mathematics through English is not easy. There are many problems to create it. One of all is there are many teachers have troubles to do their assignment. The troubles are caused their limited English capability. The other troubles are limited to develop learning plan, limited to develop and utilize multi media, and limited of sources.
To solve these problems, we must prepare the teacher to hold English. Basically to the next teachers, they must readiness to teach mathematics with English. So we need their ability in English, they must held on English more than others. But to teachers that have teach in school, they must learn how to teach mathematics in English and develop mathematics subject through English. Although to develop math through English for old teachers is not easy, but they must effort it. It is caused from demand of school in this period.
Basic components to develop teaching learning math through English
Basically, teaching learning mathematics through English uses approach-system, so school as system. School as system consists of basic components which fitted together to get aim. They are contexts, input, process, output, and outcome.
Context is all things that are beyond of school, but they have influence on teaching learning math. Cause it; context must be connected with school. Context consists of technology and science development, values and society expectations, government backing, claim of globalization and autonomy, and demand of self development.
Input is all things that are needed to process. Input consists of school expectations (vision, mission, and purpose), curriculum, teachers, students, media and infrastructure, budget, and rule.
Process is changing something to be something other. In education, process consists of teaching learning, school management, and school leadership.
Output is work activity of school. It is school achievement that is resulted from education process in school. It can be measured from quality, affective, productivity, efficiency, and innovation. Especially to quality, school output is said high quality if school achievement, notably learning achievement of student is shown from high score in academic notably mathematics and good performance non academic.
Outcome is effect from alumni in long period. Education outcome comprises continuing grade opportunity, job occasion, self development, and social and economy development
Development focus for school that use English in mathematics learning.
1.Development mathematics material through English.
Mathematics material in English is needed to develop appropriate with international development. Thus, schools that perform this program must build national and international web to get newest material.
2.Learning media development
We know that mathematics learning through English is new matter and it has high complicated than regular learning using Indonesian language. So, it need learning media to make students understand easily. Education media in this case has meaning more general which teaching tools has characteristics; actual and concrete. The media as electronic multimedia with animation also can be used.
3.Rising mathematics teacher competence in English
Mathematics teachers must increase their English ability continuously if they want to teach math through English. Courses for teachers from school or from other education institute, using English for habit in school, and using mathematics book in English are manner to increase English ability.
4.Communicate in English to be habit in school
Students and mathematics teachers always use English to communicate in class, so it will create good result from learning mathematics through English.
5.Consistency of leader in school
Mathematics learning through English will run well if it is support by management and leader in school.
Process learn mathematics through English
In the class, teacher must communicate math slow but sure, because mathematics is complicated subject. There are many chapters in mathematics that is beyond mind of people. That is like geometry. Student will confuse if they learn math faster, moreover with English to communicate. There are many new vocabularies that will be learned by students. Suppose in basic math, we know addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. But it will be the new vocabulary for student.
More complex, math talk about set, empty set, variable, and equation. That will be given in junior high school. Teacher must be teach patiently and give some problems to solve by students. So, student can understand about it. Greater level is geometry. Because geometry is beyond mind of people we need to consider psychology of teaching. To explain geometry, teacher must explain the general characteristic of 3D object. After it, students will understand details characteristic of 3D object.
Mathematics is science that is important to learn and English can support math to develop it. But learning mathematics through English is not simply, there are many things that must be paid attention. Teaching student use English to communicate also need patience. Students must learn not only mathematics as subject but also vocabularies in English.
The meaning of math learning through English is learning process that every material, teaching process, and assessment are given in English. This learning mathematics through English still use national curriculum applied. It is include contextual teaching and learning. So, syllabus and assessment system are developed to one’s curriculum. Nevertheless, school can add, extend, and deepen curriculum agree with mathematics international development with pay attention values and Indonesian culture.
Project aim of teaching learning math through English are:
1.Producing alumnus who have high competence in mathematics;
2.Producing alumnus who have expertness in English;
3.Developing mathematics through English appropriate with international development;
4.Developing competitiveness in international about mathematics science;
5.Developing student communication ability in English, it is mean student have good expertness in English;
6.Connecting Indonesia in international mathematics development.
Stages of teaching learning mathematics development
Teaching learning mathematics through English starts in some school in Indonesia with mark national standard school. Then the schools to be international rate school must pass many stages. Some school practice teaching math with English in some class then all class step by step. Just some schools have potentials modal in input, process, education output that brave to try this project. From this case means with teacher ability in English, support facilities in teaching learning process, high readiness of student and parents, high budget, and supporting school committee.
The schools that try to practice it have effective and efficient in teaching learning process. In the output, these schools have exceeded on average of academic performance and nonacademic performance. Beside that, the schools show high commitment to go forward. They are indicated by enthusiasm, spirit, obligation, dedication, moral baking and intellectual which had been shown by headmaster, teacher, and school officer.
Implementation mathematics learning through English
In the implementation, intensity of using English to communicate from one school with other depends on the readiness of students and teachers. In first semester, usually language to communicate math is dominated by Indonesian language. Because the student still confuse with material that is given by English. But in second semester, the frequency to use Indonesian language is less. In addition, English to be language to communicate mathematics in class.
From research, the class with English as language to communicate mathematics has more ultimate than regular class, with Indonesian language as communication language. The students can understand the material with English and they also understand the concept of material. The students also have expertness in English than regular student. However to create teaching learning mathematics through English is not easy. There are many problems to create it. One of all is there are many teachers have troubles to do their assignment. The troubles are caused their limited English capability. The other troubles are limited to develop learning plan, limited to develop and utilize multi media, and limited of sources.
To solve these problems, we must prepare the teacher to hold English. Basically to the next teachers, they must readiness to teach mathematics with English. So we need their ability in English, they must held on English more than others. But to teachers that have teach in school, they must learn how to teach mathematics in English and develop mathematics subject through English. Although to develop math through English for old teachers is not easy, but they must effort it. It is caused from demand of school in this period.
Basic components to develop teaching learning math through English
Basically, teaching learning mathematics through English uses approach-system, so school as system. School as system consists of basic components which fitted together to get aim. They are contexts, input, process, output, and outcome.
Context is all things that are beyond of school, but they have influence on teaching learning math. Cause it; context must be connected with school. Context consists of technology and science development, values and society expectations, government backing, claim of globalization and autonomy, and demand of self development.
Input is all things that are needed to process. Input consists of school expectations (vision, mission, and purpose), curriculum, teachers, students, media and infrastructure, budget, and rule.
Process is changing something to be something other. In education, process consists of teaching learning, school management, and school leadership.
Output is work activity of school. It is school achievement that is resulted from education process in school. It can be measured from quality, affective, productivity, efficiency, and innovation. Especially to quality, school output is said high quality if school achievement, notably learning achievement of student is shown from high score in academic notably mathematics and good performance non academic.
Outcome is effect from alumni in long period. Education outcome comprises continuing grade opportunity, job occasion, self development, and social and economy development
Development focus for school that use English in mathematics learning.
1.Development mathematics material through English.
Mathematics material in English is needed to develop appropriate with international development. Thus, schools that perform this program must build national and international web to get newest material.
2.Learning media development
We know that mathematics learning through English is new matter and it has high complicated than regular learning using Indonesian language. So, it need learning media to make students understand easily. Education media in this case has meaning more general which teaching tools has characteristics; actual and concrete. The media as electronic multimedia with animation also can be used.
3.Rising mathematics teacher competence in English
Mathematics teachers must increase their English ability continuously if they want to teach math through English. Courses for teachers from school or from other education institute, using English for habit in school, and using mathematics book in English are manner to increase English ability.
4.Communicate in English to be habit in school
Students and mathematics teachers always use English to communicate in class, so it will create good result from learning mathematics through English.
5.Consistency of leader in school
Mathematics learning through English will run well if it is support by management and leader in school.
Process learn mathematics through English
In the class, teacher must communicate math slow but sure, because mathematics is complicated subject. There are many chapters in mathematics that is beyond mind of people. That is like geometry. Student will confuse if they learn math faster, moreover with English to communicate. There are many new vocabularies that will be learned by students. Suppose in basic math, we know addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. But it will be the new vocabulary for student.
More complex, math talk about set, empty set, variable, and equation. That will be given in junior high school. Teacher must be teach patiently and give some problems to solve by students. So, student can understand about it. Greater level is geometry. Because geometry is beyond mind of people we need to consider psychology of teaching. To explain geometry, teacher must explain the general characteristic of 3D object. After it, students will understand details characteristic of 3D object.
Mathematics is science that is important to learn and English can support math to develop it. But learning mathematics through English is not simply, there are many things that must be paid attention. Teaching student use English to communicate also need patience. Students must learn not only mathematics as subject but also vocabularies in English.
Kamis, 26 Mei 2011
The Paradigm of Mathematics in Teaching Learning
Mathematics is a branch of knowledge that deals with numbers. Some people think it is a complicated subject to learn. But they can not avoid living with it. Counting, measuring, adding, subtracting, dividing, and multiplying are the kind where we live. Also we often play the puzzling games using mathematics. So mathematics is needed to learn.
There are two kind of Mathematics learning, they are pure mathematics and elementary mathematics. Elementary mathematics is studied by primary students at elementary school and junior high school. Elementary mathematics is given to primary students because they can not accept abstract materials. It must be explained by concrete things so the material is easier to accept. Example of concrete objects are drum, tube, wheel and others things that similar with mathematical object. They are learned by observation.
The abstract material on math will be given to adult people like students in university and students in senior high school. As geometry, algebra, matrices, calculus are beyond mind of people, so it must be given slowly and with right method.
The different abstract and concrete object lays on the characteristic of object. Object in pure mathematics is perfect object that is main object. But in concrete object that just on measurement and shape. It is not mathematical object. To get mathematical object we use abstraction. It means take certain characteristic that we want to learn. And we use idealism. It means put down as the perfect characteristic.
Mathematics is not release from problem solving, proving and building theorem systematically. It is also developed in formal system form. Math in this case is also called pure mathematics. It is learned by student in university. The formal system form is called mathematics axiomatic. But just some particular people absolutely learn mathematics in high grade.
On the other hand, mathematics in primary school always have problem to communicate it. For younger people, math is difficult to understand. So, in school, we need easy to talk math. Moreover, mathematics can be good and easy to learn for younger people. So, mathematics can be adaptable in teaching learning.
Many people in the world learn mathematics, but just some of them know the nature of mathematics. Actually knowing the nature of mathematics is importance. It is part when we learn math. There are four nature of mathematics. They are:
1. Mathematics research for pattern and relationship.
2. Mathematics is problem solving activity.
3. Mathematics is investigation activity.
4. Mathematics is a mean of communication.
There are four items on the nature of student learn math, so student learn math effectively.
1. Student has good motivation and good preparation.
2. Student can learn math in collaboration with others.
3. Student can learn math individually.
4. Student learn math contextually.
From explanation above, we need a manner to teach mathematics. So, that the materials are accepted effectively. By using method of learning math, we can communicate mathematics. There are two streams of teaching method. First is traditional teaching. It is old paradigm. It shows that teacher predominantly on student activity and student initiation. Teacher is very active. So lesson will be abstract and more theoretical. Students as empty vessel, so they are passive, they only listen material. It makes students feel boring. So they think mathematics is very formal and difficult to accept.
Traditional method has applied on school since yore. The teacher explained material and students did worksheet. The teacher-centered approach assumes that all students have similar levels of knowledge in the subject being taught and they absorb new material in a similar pace. The advantages of traditional methods are to make student become responsibilities for teaching in the classroom, to make sure everything they thought were understood by the student. Thus it was a good method, where there was efficient communication between teacher and students. It makes class to be controllable where the teacher would teach on the blackboard, explained, asks students to copy and make sure students paid attention and listen. Besides that, it is building a good characteristic student effectively because students always respect to their teacher.
The traditional is also a way in disciplining students in school. But it make students get traumatizes in school and to be afraid with teacher. Traditional method is easy method where education transforms from teacher to students. It is classical learning; the students do not know what purpose they learn on that day.
The second stream is contemporary method or innovative teaching. This is a new paradigm. Innovative teaching also called constructivist teaching shows that teacher as facilitator. So education can not transform from teacher to students, but education is empowering of students. Teacher is aware that every student has the unique ability. So they are different. And teacher should teach each student with difference way. The student-centered learning approach allows students to work together in small groups and answer a posed question. In this paradigm, students are seeds, where they can grow and bear fruits. So students will be active.
Innovative teaching builds relationship between teacher and students, where each of them will contribute in teaching learning. Teacher is to be their friend. So they can share their problems to the teacher without being afraid. Students can develop their personality suit one’s fancy. It consists on agreement between teachers and student regarding on behave in the classroom to start building a student’s expectation towards independence.
Yuen and Hau stated further that constructivist teaching is guided by the following principles: problems are posed to students that have emerging relevance; concepts are structured from whole to part; student vides are valued and addressed; and student learning is assessed in context. Thus, this method presents students with problems that are authentic and relevant to them and allows them to find their own solutions as they build knowledge.
To develop constructivist teaching, we need technology, especially computer. Computer will help teacher and student when they work and do anything. Teachers can prepare their work and present it to the class by slides show which is an easier way. By slides show, learning in classroom can be interesting. In addition, students get information and knowledge by computer where access with internet. On the other hand computer can disturb teaching when it does not use effectively. For example, with use of computers in school children gets distracted with online games and websites to browse on besides their studies. So teacher should monitoring students when study at school.
Every method has advantages and disadvantages. So, teacher must be aware when he or she teach students especially mathematics. But we must solve how to move old paradigm to new paradigm. Because of new paradigm more appropriate with this time and useful. It will become the manner to get the success teacher in mathematics if we see the nature of mathematics and the nature of student learn effectively. The most importance is using constructivist teaching with less the disadvantages. Teacher must give motivation to the student. So they feel interesting and more explore their ability.
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